Note-Taking Strategy


The system of note-taking I encourage you to try the first month is a modified version of the Cornell Note-taking system (we'll be using a slightly modified version from that link).  It allows you to keep your notes organized, summarize the main points of a lecture quickly, and review for tests more efficiently.  I know it is a very different way of taking notes than you might be used to, so I have created templates for you to use, directions for how to fill in the three areas labeled A, B, and C, as well as an example set of notes using this method.


These are the Instructions for filling out your notes.


You can find the Blank template here.  You don't need to print this, it's just to show you how to set up your paper.


You can find the Lined template here.  You don't need to print this, it's just to show you how to set up your paper.


This is a short example of one page of notes after reading and a lecture (I know a biology textbook was used in this example, but the technique of note-taking can apply to any subject).  You will more than likely have several pages of notes per reading assignment/lecture.